Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology


Table of Contents

Year-2023 | Volume: 10 | Issue 3

Original Article

Morphometric analysis of adult human mandible and their ratios

Author : Neeta Gautam Shroff*, Shamama Shaikh, Gautam A Shroff, Vaishali Mandhana, Sana Khan

Doi :   Page No : 153-156

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Morphological variations of the suprascapular notch and its clinical correlation with suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome

Author : Guna Sekhar Moorthy Kollipara, Shruthi Sridhar, Vijayalakshmi Mannan Keerthi*, Padmalatha Kadirappa, Anushree Burade, Shiva Sandesh Hossali Math, Niranjan Kumar

Doi :   Page No : 157-161

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A study on the morphology and morphometry of foramen ovale in dry human skulls

Author : Shivamurthy K, Prathap Kumar J*, Padmalatha K, Prakash B S, Amrita N Shamanewadi

Doi :   Page No : 173-177

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Case Report

Accessory mental foramen: A peerless anatomical entity

Author : Priyam Mitra*, Kiran Radder, Poorvi Ghanti, Denis Jacob Kurian, Anil Kumar Desai

Doi :   Page No : 178-180

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A case report on multiple accessory muscles and nerve variations in upper limb

Author : Nikilesh Sankaran, Ambiga Raman, Priyanka Clementina Stephen*, Suman Verma, Aravindhan Kishore

Doi :   Page No : 185-187

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Short Communication

Demystifying anatomical variations- Education and clinical perspectives

Author : Vivek Mishra*, Mrinal Barua, Shelja Sharma, Prerna Chandra

Doi :   Page No : 195-196

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