Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology


Table of Contents

Year-2015 | Volume: 2 | Issue 3

Original Article

Estimation of Fetal Gestational Age in Second & Third Trimesters from Ultrasonographic Measurements of Different Fetal Biometric Parameters

Author : Kuldeep Kumar, Mirza R.U. Beg, C.S. Ramesh Babu, R. K. Shrivastava

Doi :   Page No : 111-116

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1484)] [Download (623)]

Prediction of Stature based on Measurement of Hand Length in Maharashtra Region

Author : Wakode N S, Wakode S L, Ksheersagar D D, Tajane V D, Jachak A N

Doi :   Page No : 131-134

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1603)] [Download (614)]

Incidence of Ponticles in Human Atlas Vertebrae - A Study from South Gujarat Population

Author : Nitixa P. Patel, Deepa S.Gupta, Nisha D. Parmar

Doi :   Page No : 135-139

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1536)] [Download (602)]

Impact of Isometric Exercise on IOP

Author : Rajkumar Banner, Subhash Chimkode, K Satyavati

Doi :   Page No : 140-144

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1361)] [Download (626)]

Expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) in the Trigeminal Ganglion of Male Wistar Rats

Author : P.K. Sankaran, M.Kumaresan, G. Karthikeyan, Yuvaraj M

Doi :   Page No : 145-147

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1415)] [Download (605)]

Two Dimensional Ultrasonographic Study of Placental Maturity and Its Correlation with Gestational Age and Maternal Parameters

Author : Mumal Nagwani, Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Urmila Singh, Anita Rani, Seema Malhotra

Doi :   Page No : 148-153

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1407)] [Download (609)]

Study of Cephalic Index in Indian Muslim Female Students- A Study in Ajmer Zone

Author : Praveen Chouhan, Anjana Mathur, Ranjana Bardjatiya, Mohd. Amaan

Doi :   Page No : 154-156

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1350)] [Download (556)]

Determination of Sex from Morphometry of Hyoid Bone

Author : K.D.V. Santhi Priya, D. Ranzeetha

Doi :   Page No : 157-161

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1811)] [Download (596)]

Case Report

Atlas Vertebra with Centrum a Case Report Seen in Dry Bone

Author : Gokul Krishna Reddy Nune, Smruti Rekha Mohanty, Minati Patra, S. Ch. Mohapatra, L. P. Tripathy

Doi :   Page No : 162-163

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1342)] [Download (531)]

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