Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology


Table of Contents

Year-2022 | Volume: 9 | Issue 1

Reference intervals and gender variation in establishing blood parameters in dental institution: A retrospective study

Author : Manisha Ahire Sardar, Yogita Bhaginath Adhane*, Tabita Joy Chettiankandy, Sanpreet Singh Sachdev, Jagdish Vishnu Tupkari

Doi :   Page No : 16-21

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1562)] [Download (349)]

Comparison of autonomic functions in moderate and heavy smokers using heart rate variability

Author : Sanjaya G, Jaya Simha Reddy, T Kiran Kumar, Anitha K S*, Raju H Taklikar, Rashmi Narayanrao Gitte

Doi :   Page No : 25-28

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