Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology


Table of Contents

Year-2021 | Volume: 8 | Issue 4

Review Article

An insight of association of insulin resistance with polycystic ovary syndrome

Author : Sanchari Chakraborty, Ankita Samaddar, Nilansu Das, Sudip Kumar Saha, Barnali Ray Basu*

Doi :   Page No : 248-254

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1730)] [Download (620)]

Short Communication

Teaching cadaveric laparoscopic anatomy in medical curriculum – An essential learning option

Author : Kaushik Bhattacharya*, Neela Bhattacharya, Aditya Shikar Bhattacharya

Doi :   Page No : 333-334

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (848)] [Download (354)]

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