Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology


Table of Contents

Year-2018 | Volume: 5 | Issue 3

Original Article

Evaluation of pulmonary functions in alternate fuel users

Author : B. Jaya, A. Sornam, S. Vadivel, M. Geetha

Doi :   Page No : 295-298

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1368)] [Download (596)]

Estimation of stature by morphometry of percutaneous tibia

Author : Kavyashree A.N, Bindurani M.K, Asha K.R, Lakshmi Prabha

Doi :   Page No : 308-313

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1683)] [Download (581)]

Study of fetal kidney size by ultrasonography at different gestational age

Author : Kalpana Purohit, Ankita Purohit, Sapna Kabiraj, Raj Kumar Srivastava

Doi :   Page No : 331-336

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1389)] [Download (1337)]

Cyclical alteration in heart rate variability among young eumenorrheic women

Author : Udayakumar Karthika Priyadharshini, Ukkirapandian Kavitha, Radhakrishnan Latha, Natarajan Nirmala, P

Doi :   Page No : 337-339

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1854)] [Download (528)]

Effect of Moringa oliefera leaves on blood pressure in hypertensive patients

Author : Kumar Sai Sailesh, Jabir P K, Madhusudhan U, Archana R, Mukkadan J K

Doi :   Page No : 350-352

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2776)] [Download (2141)]

Variations in extensor tendons of the thumb –A cadaveric study

Author : Biju Urumese Palatty, Raveendranath Veeramani, K.Y. Manjunath

Doi :   Page No : 383-388

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1450)] [Download (553)]

Study of pulmonary function test in hypothyroidism

Author : Bemat Ilyas Yaqub, Mohammed Suhail, Amarnath Baswantrao Solepure, Badar Azhar Daimi, Bemat Ishrat Fa

Doi :   Page No : 394-396

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1345)] [Download (513)]

Anatomical study of nutrient foramina in humerus

Author : Shuhbhangi B. Ghule, Bhushan Vitore, Amrut A. Mahajan

Doi :   Page No : 412-415

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