Get Permission Khatoon and Khanna: A study of correlation between hand anthropometry and hand grip strength in young adult male population of North India


Human hand is a structurally unique part of the upper extremity with a number of bones, joints and muscles acting in a unison. Digits of the hand permit tight grasp which is under control of an elaborate nervous plexus.1 Appropriate positioning of hand in space allows hand to complete a particular task.2 Hand grip is grasping of objects and hand grip strength is the forceful flexion of the finger joints with a maximal voluntary force that the subject is able to exert under normal biokinetic conditions.3 Hand grip strength is an important component of precise and fine motor activities, an indicator and measure of strength of several forearm muscles.4 Estimation of hand grip strength is of immense importance as it determines the efficacy of different treatment strategies and rehabilitation.5 A number of factors like age, sex and body size influence the hand grip strength. Additionally, hand grip predicts the muscular strength by determining the bone mineral density and bone area at the hand and forearm site.6 Earlier studies on the hand grip have indicated the difference between grip strength of right and left handed subjects.7 Hand grip strength influences optimal grip span in women.8

The current study aims to correlate the hand anthropometric indices with the hand grip strength in young adult male subjects.

Materials and Methods

The present study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, (Ambala) on 200 young male subjects. The subjects were from different parts of north India. Prior informed written consent for the study was obtained from subjects in English and Vernacular. Apparently healthy males in the age group 18-25 years were selected. Subjects with apparent anomalies, inflammation, trauma, deformities and history of surgery of hand were not selected. Subjects with chronic medical illness were also excluded from the study.

  1. Sliding calipers

  2. Dynamometer

In the present study hand length and breadth were measured on both the hands of all the subjects. Hand grip strength of both hands was also measured. All the measurements were taken on the clean and dry hands of the subjects in the following manner:-

The subjects were asked to place the hand in supine position on a table with fingers extended.

The hand dimensions were taken by sliding Vernier ’s Caliper.

The following were the dimensions measured on the subjects:-

Hand Breath (HB): Distance between the most lateral parts on the head of 2nd metacarpal to the most medial point of the head of 5th metacarpal.

Hand length (HL): Distance between midpoints of the distal transverse crease of the wrist to the most anterior projection of the skin of the middle finger.

Hand index (HI): Hand breadth / Hand length × 100.

Method for measuring hand grip strength

Hand dynamometer made by fabrication enterprises, NY 10533 U.S.A., was used to measure the grip strength of all the subjects. Each subject was made to sit on a chair with elbow flexed at 90 degrees and the forearm in semi- pronation lying on an arm rest. The subjects were asked to squeeze the dynamometer with their hand and grip strength was recorded (kg).

Anthrppometric index:

Hand index (HI):Hand breadthHand lengthX 100    

Statistical analysis

  1. All the data was compiled and entered in Microsoft Excel worksheet as master chart.

  2. The data was statistically analyzed (arithmetic mean and standard deviation will be calculated) and tabulated.


The mean age of males in the present study was 20.31± 2.03 years. Hand dimensions of the subjects like hand length & breadth were measured and hand index was calculated for both sides; minimum and maximum readings were noted and mean calculated along with standard deviation (Table 1).

Index and ring finger length were measured for both sides; minimum and maximum readings were recorded and mean calculated (Table 2).

Table 3 shows left hand anthropometric parameters like hand length, hand breath and hand index among the subjects. The minimum and maximum values for hand length, hand breadth and hand index are given in the table; their respective mean and standard deviation.

Table 4 shows Right hand anthropometric indices like hand length, hand breadth and hand index along with their respective means and standard deviations; all measurements were in cm.

Table 5 shows the comparison of various anthropometric parameters of both hands of the subjects. Mean value of hand breadth, hand index and ring finger length was seen higher in right hand of male students while hand length and index finger length was found higher in left hand of male students.

Table 6 shows the comparison of hand grip strength among right and left hand of male students. The mean value of right hand grip strength was higher as compared to left hand grip strength in male students. The difference was statistically significant (p value=0.006).

The Table 7 shows the correlation of hand grip strength with the anthropometric parameters of both the hands in males. A positive correlation was found between the hand grip strength and all the hand parameters of both the hands in males (p ≤ 0.05) except for the left ring finger length.

Table 8 shows the regression equation for calculation of hand grip strength in males from the values of different hand parameters. In the Table 8 y stands for the hand grip strength and x stands for the particular hand measurement.

Table 9 shows the regression equation for the calculation of age of males from the various hand anthropometric measurements of male students. In the Table 9 y stands of the age of the individual and x stands for the particular hand measurement.

Table 1

Range of Hand dimensions(length & breadth) and Hand Index of right and left side

Variables Minimum Maximum Mean ± SD
Hand length(cm) Right 16.45 22.46 19.28±1.06
Left 16.94 23.71 19.29±1.09
Hand breadth(cm) Right 6.22 10.07 8.50±0.57
Left 6.94 10.45 8.47±0.64
Hand index Right 34.92 55.13 44.23±3.10
Left 36.30 52.45 43.97±2.97

Table 2
Variables Minimum Maximum Mean ± SD
Index finger length (cm) Right 6.36 8.91 7.52 ± 0.43
Left 6.09 9.33 7.55 ± 0.50
Ring finger length (cm) Right 5.43 8.93 7.74 ± 0.61
Left 6.32 9.12 7.65 ± 0.62

Digital anthropometric indices of subjects

Table 3
Left Hand Variable Minimum (in cm) Maximum (in cm) Mean ± SD (incm)
Hand Length 16.94 23.71 19.29 ± 1.09
Hand breadth 6.94 10.45 8.47 ± 0.64
Hand Index 36.30 52.45 43.97 ± 2.97

3 Left hand anthropometric parameters Hand length, hand breadth and hand index (in cm) along with respective standard deviation (in cm)

Table 4
Right Hand Variable Minimum (in cm) Maximum (in cm) Mean ± SD (in cm)
Hand Length 16.45 22.46 19.28 ± 1.06
Hand breadth 6.22 10.07 8.50 ± 0.57
Hand Index 34.92 55.13 44.23 ± 3.10

Right hand anthropometric parameters such as hand length, hand breadth and hand index along with respective standard deviation (in cm)

Table 5
Variables Minimum Maximum Mean ± SD p-Value
Hand length (cm) Right 16.45 22.46 19.28 ± 1.06 0.905
Left 16.94 23.71 19.29 ± 1.09
Hand breadth (cm) Right 6.22 10.07 8.50 ± 0.57 0.558
Left 6.94 10.45 8.47 ± 0.64
Hand index (cm) Right 34.92 55.13 44.23 ± 3.10 0.394
Left 36.30 52.45 43.97 ± 2.97
Index finger length (cm) Right 6.36 8.91 7.52 ± 0.43 0.529
Left 6.09 9.33 7.55 ± 0.50
Ring finger length (cm) Right 5.43 8.93 7.74 ± 0.61 0.144
Left 6.32 9.12 7.65 ± 0.62

Comparison of hand anthropometric parameters among right and left hand of the subjects

Table 6
Variable Minimum Handgrip Strength Maximum Handgrip Strength Mean ± SD p-Value
Male (N=200) Right hand 18.00 54.00 39.23±7.43 0.006*
Left hand 18.66 56.00 37.21±7.29
*p-Value ≤ 0.05 statistically significant

A comparison of hand grip strength among right and left hand of subjects

Table 7
Variables r-Value p-Value
Hand length Right 0.308 0.001*
Left 0.319 0.001*
Hand breadth Right 0.429 0.001*
Left 0.381 0.001*
Hand index Right 0.169 0.017*
Left 0.138 0.051
*p-Value ≤ 0.05 statistically significant

Correlation of right and left hand anthropometric parameters with handgrip strengthin male students

Table 8
Variables Right hand Left Hand
Hand Lengths y = 2.1534x - 2.2785 y = 2.1311x - 3.8916
Hand Breadth y = 5.5757x - 8.184 y = 4.356x + 0.3272
Hand Index y = 0.4048x + 21.329 y = 0.3383x + 22.342

Regression equation for hand grip strength and hand anthropometric measurements of male students

Table 9
Variables Right hand Left Hand
Hand Lengths y = 0.0159x + 20.009 y = 0.1726x + 16.986
Hand Breadth y = 0.5160x + 15.927 y = 0.7405x + 14.045
Hand Index y = 0.0836x + 16.619 y = 0.1151x + 15.255
Index Finger Length y = 0.4706x + 16.777 y = 0.5389x + 16.247
Ring Finger Length y = 0.6315x + 15.425 y = 0.5352x + 16.219
Hand Grip Strength y = 0.0453x + 18.539 y = 0.0287x + 19.246
2D:4D Ratio y = -0.138x+20.45 y = -0.055x+20.37
y is the age of individual and x is the particular hand measurement

Regression equation for age and hand anthropometric measurements of male students

Table 10
Authors Population & Region Age Sex (No. of subjects) Mean hand length
Present study (2017)? Students, North Indian 18-25 years Male (200) 19.28 19.29
Dhawan V et al (2016)9 Haryana, India 21-25 Male (200) 19.36 19.42
Kumar T et al (2015)? Kashmiri Pandits 18+ Male (150) 18.17 18.26
Aboul-Hagag KE et al (2011)10 Egyptian 18 Male (250) 19.47 19.49
Ibeachu PC et al (2011)11 Port Harcourt Nigeria 18-30 M (150) 19.02 19.09
Danborno B et al (2008)? Nigerian 18+ M(250) 19.85 19.93

Comparison of hand length of males subjects of present study group with some accessible previous studies

Table 11
Authors Population & Region Age Sex & No. of subject Mean hand breadth
Present study (2017)? Students, North Indian 18-25 years M (200) 8.50 8.47
Dhawan V et al (2016)9 Haryanvi, India 21-25 M (200) 8.77 8.81
Aboul-Hagag KE et al (2011)10 Egyptian 18 M (250) 8.13 8.14
Ibeachu PC et al (2011)11 Port Harcourt 18-30 M(150) 8.58 8.43
Danborno B et al(2008)? Nigerian 18+ M (250) 8.90 8.68

Comparison of hand breadth of males of present study group with some accessible previous studies

Table 12
Authors Population & Region Age (years) Sex & No. of subject Mean index finger length
RH(cm) LH(cm)
Present study Students North Indian 18-25 M (200) 7 .52 7.55
Sen. J et al (2015)12 Rajbansi (East India) 18-60 M(250) 6.84 6.86
Ibegbu AO et al (2012)1 Nigerian students 18years M(300) 7.43 7.43
Hagag KEA et al (2011)10 Egyptian 18 M (250) 7.80 7.85

Comparison of length of index fingers of both hands of subjects present study group with some accessible previous studies

Table 13
Authors Population & Region Age Sex & No. of subject Mean hand ring finger length
Present study Students North Indian 18-25 M (200) 7.74 7.65
Sen. J et al(2015)12 Rajbansi population 18-60 M (250) 7.05 7.13
Ibegbu AO et al (2012)1 Nigerian students 18 years M(300) 8.03 8.03
Hagag KEA et al (2011)10 Egyptians 18 years M (250) 8.07 8.11

Comparison of ring finger dimensions of subjects of present study group with some accessible previous studies

Table 14
Authors Population & Region Age Sex & No. of subject Mean of the hand grip strength
Right Left
Present study (2017)? Students North Indian 18-25 M (200) 39.23 37.21
Koley S et al. (2006)13 Punjab India 18-25 M -- --
Bansode DG et al. (2004)14 Students Turkey 18+ M (76) 41.62
Barut C et al. (2008)2 Players Turkey 9-18 M (236) 23.46

Comparison of hand grip strength of present study group with some accessible previous studies


The present study was undertaken to obtain the baseline data for the various anthropometric parameters of the hand, in young male population of north India. This can serve as a baseline data for the population indicating the nutritional status and their physical activity.2

The results of this study were observed to be similar to the various studies done by Dhawan V et al, Kumar T et al, Aboul - Hagag, KE et al, Ibeachu PC et al, Danborno B et al.

Hand breadth measurements for both right and left hand were compared with the measurements of the earlier studies done inside and outside India (Table 11). The results of the studies done by Aboul-Hagag KE et al, Ibeachu PC et al, Danborno B et al were similar to the present study. All these studies were done on male subjects and the number of subjects varied from 100 to 250.

Index finger lengths of both the hands were compared with some of the previous studies done in India and abroad. Similar results were observed in the studies done by Sen. J et al, Ibegbu AO et al and Hagag KEA et al.

Dimensions of ring finger of the subjects in the preset study were compared with the similar dimensions of some of the previous studies (Table 13). Similar result were observed in the studies done by Sen J et al, Ibegbu AO et al, Hagag- KEA et al.

Table 14 compares the hand grip strength of the subjects in the present study with some of the earlier studies. The hand grip strength was found more for the right hand as compared to the left hand. The results were statistically significant. The similar results were observed in the studies done by Koley et al, Bansode DG et al, Barut C et al.


The present study gives a baseline data for the anthropometric parameters of the hand like hand length, hand breadth and hand index in young male population of north India. It was observed in the present study that all the hand variables were positively correlated to the hand grip strength. The findings and measurements of the present study were compared with some of the findings of the earlier studies on hand anthropometry and it was concluded that findings of the current study were very much on line with earlier studies.

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