Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 331-334
The lumbrical muscles of hand, by producing flexion at metacarpo phalangeal (MCP) joints & extension
at interphalangeal joints help in writing, stitching and other forms of precision work. Variations in
length, breadth or tendon length may cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Variations are also seen between
parameters of both sexes and right and left hands of the same individuals. Their hypertrophy may cause
compression of radial & ulnar collateral arteries leading to chronic subischemia. Also these may cause
surgical complications in hand surgeries. So this study has been undertaken to know about morphometry
and comparison between parameters of lumbrical muscles in both sexes of human hands.
Keywords: Lumbricals, Human Hands, Morphometry, Sexual Dimorphism.
How to cite : Maindarkar V V, Dope S A, Morphometric study of sexual dimorphism in lumbrical muscles in human cadaveric hands. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2019;6(3):331-334
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