Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 461-463
Introduction: Thyroid volume measurement is a better reflection of thyroid gland growth than any other linear dimension of the organ. Foetal thyroid volume is significantly correlated with gestational age and foetal weight.
Aim: To evaluate the foetal thyroid volume in relation to the gestational weeks.
Materials and Methods: A total of 22 (Male - 9; Female - 13) aborted foetuses were collected from the department of Anatomy, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Chennai.
Results: We have observed there was significant increase in thyroid volume with the correction factor (CF-0.479) by ellipsoid method in relation to gestational weeks. Thyroid volume with correction factor was noted to be more in males as compared to females in all gestational age groups. There was a gradual increase in thyroid weight in relation to thyroid volume in all groups of gestational ages in our study.
Conclusion: The present study evaluated the foetal thyroid volume in relation to the gestational age in aborted foetuses and also suggested the volume related changes of the thyroid gland in foetal life and its abnormalities.
Keywords: Evaluation, Gestation, Thyroid, Volume.
How to cite : Kothandaraman U, Lokanadham S, A study on evaluation of foetal thyroid volume in aborted foetus by ellipsoid method in relation to gestational age. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2018;5(4):461-463
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