Assessment of anxiety index in 1st year BDS students at SDCH Pune

Original Article

Author Details : Veenodini Warhade, Sonali Khanapurkar, Pratibha Mehta

Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2018

Article Page : 299-302

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Introduction: Dental education has been recognized as highly demanding & complex training program. Many bright teenagers also face various difficulties during the tenure of their first semester. Most common reasons have been observed are language problem, vast syllabus, admission for dental course against student’s wish, coming from protected environment, peer pressure, adjustment problems, home sickness & many more. Some students have the capabilities to cope up with all stressors but many of them land up with some psychological problems like anxiety, depression & so on. Anxiety can be defined as a strong and unpleasant feeling of nervousness or distress in response to a feared situation, often accompanied by physiological effects such as nausea, trembling, breathlessness, sweating and palpitation. Increased anxiety level can hamper the performance & learning ability in dental students.
Aims and Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess & evaluate the anxiety index in 1st year BDS students at SDCH, Pune. Also, to plan accordingly various programs for the management of anxiety by conducting workshops on Yoga, Meditation & newer relaxation techniques for the students prone for anxiety.
Materials and Methods: 1] Total 94 students were taken from first year BDS as subject; 2] Approval from Institutional ethical committee has been taken; 3] Written consent has been taken from every student in English & vernacular language (Marathi); 4] assessment of anxiety index (Zung scale) was done by giving validated questionnaires.
Results: Evaluation was done using appropriate statistical methods. It has been observed in present study that 30% of students were showing the symptoms of moderate to severe type of anxiety, while 70% have never or only some time shown signs of anxiety.
Conclusion: After comparing with other studies and going through various personality development parameters, we came to a conclusion that positive parental upbringing, good financial support from the family, friendly approach of the teacher towards students might have uplifted the confidence level of the student & helped them to cope up with new environment.

Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Dental, Stress.

How to cite : Warhade V, Khanapurkar S, Mehta P, Assessment of anxiety index in 1st year BDS students at SDCH Pune. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2018;5(3):299-302

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