Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 124-128
Introduction: One of the most important and commonly performed surgeries in the abdominal region is the surgery of gall bladder. Hence it is desirable for the surgeons who are operating in the region of gall bladder and biliary tract to know the possible variations in the anatomy of gall bladder that can be confronted. The present study describes the anatomic variations of gall bladder and its clinical importance.
Materials and Methods: 50 gall bladder specimens procured from embalmed human adult cadavers of both sexes available in Anatomy Department of MVJ Medical College, Bangalore were studied. The different parameters studied were the measurements of gall bladder which included its length & breadth, shape, position & external variations.
Results: The mean length and breadth of the gall bladder was found to be 6.79 cm& 2.81 cm respectively. The various shapes of the gall bladder noted were pear shaped (52%), flask shaped (28%), cylindrical (12%), irregular (4%) and hour-glass (4%). In 49(98%) specimens, the position of gall bladder was beneath the right lobe of the liver. Gall bladder was intrahepatic in position in 1 (2%) specimen. The external variations of gall bladder observed in 9(18%) specimens were in the form of folding of the neck, folded fundus (phrygian cap) & hartmann’s pouch.
Conclusion: The knowledge of the possible anatomic variations of the gall bladder is of utmost significance to radiologists who should detect them preoperatively using special radiological procedures and to surgeons during laparoscopic cholecystectomy to reduce the incidence of post-operative complications.
Keywords: Gall Bladder, Hartmann’s pouch, Morphology, Phrygian cap, Variations.
How to cite : Tiwari S, Study of anatomic variations of human gall bladder and its clinical importance. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2018;5(1):124-128
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