Original Article

Author Details : Rajnee, M sharma, M K Bundela, U Choudhary, S Choudhary, A Kalwar, KC Mathur

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2015

Article Page : 97-104

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Aim: Studied the effects of commonly used three platin derivative namely cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin, on hematogenesis, for any damage done by the three drugs on the functions of important body systems.

Material and Method: Total 150 patients of either gender were in the age group of 18-60 years were analyzed for various hematological parameters. We collected blood sample from each patient on the first day of beginning of each drug cycle and the sample were analysed.
Result and Discussion: In this study Total red blood cell count, packed cell volume (PCV) and hemoglobin levels were found significantly decreased in cisplatin group, were as TRBC and PCV were significantly lower in carboplatin group while in oxaliplatin only PCV was found decreased. ESR levels in all the three study groups were significantly higher indicating toxic effect of the drugs on the hepatic functions. Three platin drugs i.e. cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin produce a fall in total leucocyte count (TLC). A significant decreased in Absolute eosinophil count and thrombocytopenia in carboplatin group. Bleeding time was found significantly increased in the patients of carboplatin group.
Conclusion: An observation points out that all platin drugs are myelosuppressive. In which cisplatin and carboplatin are toxic drug to the bone marrow whereas oxaliplatin is comparatively safer.

Keywords: Platin derivative, hematogenesis, myelosuppressive

How to cite : Rajnee, Sharma M, Bundela M K, Choudhary U, Choudhary S, Kalwar A, Mathur K, A COMPARATIVE STUDY: EFFECT OF PLATINUM COMPOUNDS VIZ. CISPLATIN, CARBOPLATIN AND OXALIPLATIN ON BLOOD PARAMETERS. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(2):97-104

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