Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2015
Article Page : 66-73
Biomedical waste is generated in various medical institutions and research establishments. Generally classified as health care general waste and health care risk waste. The management of health care waste is essential and pertinent to the existence of our society. Although health care waste management is a costly affair, but following the principles laid down by World Health Organization for the management of health care waste, we can not only reduce the cost but also be able to achieve the sustainability of waste management. “3R” reduction, reuse and recycle are the three important steps of the effective waste management practices. Practising effective, safe and scientifically sound collection, storage, transport and disposal of biomedical waste, will help us achieve better health standard for the community.
How to cite : Thareja P, Singh B, Singh S, Agrawal D, Kaur P, BIOMEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT: NEED FOR HUMAN CIVILIZATION. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(2):66-73
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