Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 136-142
Introduction: Conduct Disorder in children may cause several psychosocial problems in their parents. Developing an understanding of the predictive role of variables that affect the psycho social problems and how it differs in the parents having children with conduct disorders and in parents having normal children is included in this study.
Materials & Methods: Exploratory research was used in this study as the method of study. A Sample was selected from parents having children with conduct disorder reported in various psychiatric settings in Kerala, India and also from parents having normal children. Convenient random sampling was used for selecting the sample. All the parents, of children diagnosed with conduct disorder in the age group of six to twelve ,reported in the psychiatric settings on a random day is selected as sample. Stepwise regression analysis was used for statistical analysis.
Result: Among the eleven variables studied, state anxiety, trait anxiety, trait anger, personal stress and occupational stress significantly influence the overall psycho social correlates in parents having children with conduct disorder in the present study. Here depression, state curiosity, state anger, trait curiosity, family stress and social stress were identified as variables which are having no predictor value on the psycho social correlates in parents, in the study.
Conclusion: The study hopes to make contributions in identifying the predictor role of variables in parents having children with conduct disorder and its impact on these parents. The study will also help to find out the areas in which parents need intervention and to decide which type of therapy will be more helpful for them. Identifying and understanding the relevant and feasible components of therapy can then facilitate more rigorous outcome studies in the area, which are imperative.
Keywords: Conduct Disorder, Depression, State Anxiety, Trait Anxiety, State Curiosity, Trait Curiosity, State Anger, Trait Anger, Family Stress, Social Stress, Personal Stress, Occuptional Stress
How to cite : Veettil B M, Kumar S V, Damodar S, Kandoth V R, Kumaran J A B, The role of predictive variables, in parents having children with conduct disorder. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;2(4):136-142
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