Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2017
Article Page : 412-414
Introduction: Childhood blindness has a great impact on development, education, and quality of life, leading to stress causing increased autonomic discharge exhibiting elevated levels of anxiety, depression.
Aim: To compare the effects of Cold pressor test in blind and normal sighted children.
Comparison of effect of cold pressor test in hyper reactors and normoreactors.
Materials and Method: Blind and normal sighted children thirty each, of 10 to 17 years were selected, consent was taken and cold pressor test was performed.
Results: Comparison of supine SBP to maximum SBP during CPT; maximum rise in DBP among cases and controls; among hyperreactors and normoreactors, maximum SBP during CPT; maximum rise in SBP and DBP showed significant difference.
Conclusion: Present study may give an idea about the blind children who are likely to develop hypertension in future helping in early diagnosis.
Keywords: Blindness, Hypertension, Stress
How to cite : Doyizode A R, Rajashekar Rk, Comparative study of cold pressor test between blind children and normal sighted children in the age group of 10- 17 years. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;4(4):412-414
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