Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 336-339
Aim: Our study is aimed to measure whole body reaction time in chronic alcoholics compared with age matched controls.
Materials and Method: The study includes 30 chronic alcoholics with neuropathy, 30 Chronic alcoholic without neuropathy and their age matched controls. The test was analyzed using unpaired T- test.
Result: The study revealed a highly significant decrease (p value < 0.001) in whole body reaction time when compared between controls and Chronic alcoholic with and without neuropathy. There is also decrease (p value < 0.001) whole body reaction time between patients with neuropathy and those without neuropathy.
Conclusion: The observation suggests that whole body reaction time (RT) helps to detect alcoholic neuropathy, before the signs and symptoms appear. It helps in early diagnosis and treatment of neuropathy.
Keyword: RT- reaction time, CNS- central nervous system, NCV- nerve conduction velocity, ALN- alcoholic neuropathy, SD- standard deviation
How to cite : Deshmukh D V, Jadhav C, Effect of chronic alcoholism on whole body reaction time. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;4(3):336-339
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