Variable placental attachment of umbilical cords and its effects on placental outcomes

Original Article

Author Details : Ankit Jain, Rashmi Jain, Sonia Baweja

Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 324-328

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Introduction: Growth of the fetus is dependent on the development and function of the placenta. Therefore, any pathological condition which affects the function of placenta, will also affects the fetal outcomes. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of non-central cord insertions on placental outcomes.
Materials and Method: 120 placentae divided into sixty each of normotensive and pre-eclamptic pregnancies were studied. After delivery, the weight of the placenta was taken by using weighing machine. The shape of the placenta and umbilical cord insertion on placenta was observed.
Results: In this study, abnormal cord insertions were found 2.57 times more in pre-eclamptic pregnancies as compared to normal pregnancies. Altered shaped placentae were found 2.6 times more in pre-eclamptic pregnancies as compared to normal pregnancies. We found that 28.57% and 55.56% placentae with abnormal cord insertion were associated with altered placental shapes in normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies respectively. We also observed that 57.14% and 77.78% placentae with abnormal cord insertion were associated with low placental weight in normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancies respectively.
Conclusion: The incidence of abnormal cord insertions were more in pre-eclamptic pregnancies and these abnormal cord insertions were significantly associated with altered shaped placentae and lower placental weight. Conclusively, placenta with abnormal cord insertion may be associated with alteration in the function of the placenta, which ultimately affects the fetal outcomes.

Keywords: Cord insertion, Pre-eclampsia, Placenta, Placental shape, Placental weight

How to cite : Jain A, Jain R, Baweja S, Variable placental attachment of umbilical cords and its effects on placental outcomes. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;4(3):324-328

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