Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 319-323
Introduction: Superficial palmar arch is one of the important arterial arcade supplying the human hand. Vascular supply to human hand is one of the challenging areas showing many morphological variations. Presently the modern medical technology has shown vast improvement, it is better to have a detailed knowledge of arterial supply to the hand because significant number of surgical procedures such as canulation of radial artery, radial artery auto grafting in coronary bypass surgeries are carried out. Knowledge of vascular pattern is more important in reconstructive hand surgery.
Materials and Method: 40 human hands procured from 20 embalmed cadavers of A.J. Institute of Medical science, Mangalore used for the study. Dissection of arch was carried out and variations of superficial palmar arch with regards to formative arteries and branching pattern are studied in detail.
Results: Out of 40 hands studied 31 (77.5%) hands showed complete and 9(22.5%) hands showed incomplete superficial palmar arches. In majority of hands (26) complete arch were formed by the direct continuity between ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of radial artery. In 2 hands arch was formed by ulnar artery and median artery. Out of 9 incomplete arches, 7 hands showed arch formed mainly by ulnar artery and in 2 hands ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of radial artery without anastomosis.
Conclusion: The results of this study will be helpful for surgeons, intervention radiologist and orthopaedicians for the successful outcome of any hand surgeries.
Keywords: Arterial arcade, Variations, Reconstructive hand surgeries, Coronary bypass surgeries, Canulation for radial artery, Superficial palmar arch
How to cite : Varalakshmi Kl, Kotimath S B, Udyavar A, Cadaveric study on the variant pattern of superficial palmar arch and its clinical relevance. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;4(3):319-323
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