Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 263-265
Background: Meditation practices mainly change functions through autonomous nervous systems, which links brain and body. Meditation is a technique of yoga practiced in India over thousands of years. Long term yogic practices have shown improvement in cardiovascular functions.OM chanting meditation is a concentrative type of meditation involving focusing of attention on breath.
Aims and Objectives: to study effect of OM meditation on autonomic functions in healthy young individuals.
Materials and Method: 30 healthy individuals in age group 18-20 years were selected. The group selected is divided in 2 subgroups, Dhayana group performs OM meditation and control group sitting with eyes closed. Autonomic function parameters heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, GSR are recorded in both groups.
Results: Heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure are reduced during meditation session and GSR increased suggesting parasympathetic dominance.
Conclusion: Study shows regular practice of OM meditation would be helpful in increasing cardiorespiratory efficiency. There is parasympathetic nervous system dominance during and after OM meditation.
Keywords: Yoga, OM meditation, Galvanic skin resistance, Heart rate, Blood pressure
How to cite : Berad A, Lakshmi A, Sneha P, Effect of OM meditation on autonomic functions in healthy young individuals. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2017;4(2):263-265
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