Impact of yoga on mind-body management and its possible scientific mechanisms

Review Article

Author Details : M. Shobitha, Preeti Tyagi, Sangeeta Kohli

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016

Article Page : 391-394

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This review article summarizes beneficial effects of yoga on different systems of body in maintaining of normal heath as well as in prevention and treatment of many non-communicable diseases. Current evidences of effects of yoga in many studies as well as the possible scientific mechanisms of these effects are explained in this article.
Yoga is effective supportive adjunct with pharmacological treatment for therapy of some medical conditions. Yoga is beneficial in psychological stress related diseases, and diseases related to cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive etc. It also has a proven role in immune system, cancer and even at genetic level but extensive research is required for firmly establishment of such benefits. Possible scientific mechanisms of health benefits of yoga are by increased vagal activity and decrease sympathetic activity. It helps in normalisation of hypothalamo-pitutary- adrenal axis as well as the baroreflex sensitivity. Alteration of gene expression and level of inflammatory mediators are also noted in many studies.
Yoga is relatively safe, cost-effective, and easy to be practice as a part of self-care behavioural treatment. In conclusion, everybody should practice yoga in day to day life for maintenance of better health and prevention of diseases as well as adjunct to medicines for treatment of some diseases under appropriate supervision.

Keywords: Yoga, Scientific basis of yoga, Mind-body management, Alternative treatments, Yoga for health

How to cite : Shobitha M, Tyagi P, Kohli S, Impact of yoga on mind-body management and its possible scientific mechanisms. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(4):391-394

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