“Primary Grynfeltt’s - lumbar hernia” – a rare case

Case Report

Author Details : Chaudhary Ramkaran, Brijendra Singh

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 382-384

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Introduction: Primary lumbar hernias although are rare hernias but causes of lumbar hernia may be classified as congenital or acquired, primary or secondary. Lumbar hernias are very uncommon among abdominal wall hernias and very few cases have been reported in the literature.
Presentation of case: An old male patient aged about fifty years presented in surgical OPD with complaints of a swelling in left flank region which used to increase in size after standing or physical activities. He was examined thoroughly and it was found to be a reducible hernia on left lumbar region. Patient was advised needful investigations like Ultrasound and CT scan and a diagnosis of primary lumbar hernia was established. This hernia was approached through laparoscopic transabdominal extra peritoneal repair and patient had uneventful post-operative period.
Discussion: There are various techniques described in literature about the repair methodologies of lumbar hernia but the minimally invasive techniques are supposed to be far superior in many aspects as compared to open surgical repairs.
Conclusion: For primary spontaneous lumbar hernias minimally invasive techniques are preferred over open surgical techniques due to their obvious advantages.

Key words: Grynfeltt’s- Lesshaft hernia, primary lumbar hernia, Transabdominal extra peritoneal repair, Laparoscopy

How to cite : Ramkaran C, Singh B, “Primary Grynfeltt’s - lumbar hernia” – a rare case. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):382-384

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