Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 370-372
Undescended testes are a very common congenital anomaly in India. It is clinical as well as psychological problem for the boys. For the study of location of undescended testes, anatomy of descent of testes is necessary. Ultrasonography is important tool for this study. Patients above the age of six months with history of absent testes in the scrotum either unilateral or bilateral were included in the study. The descent is depends on many factors with gubernaculums playing major role. Ultrasound is the standard imaging technique of choice in children with a non-palpable testis as it is non-invasive and does not use ionizing radiation. Location of testis is also important in deciding whether patient will need abdominal or inguinal surgery. The aim of study, the position of undescended testis by high frequency ultrasound and its anatomical explanation. Total 212 boys with undescended testis were examined by high frequency ultrasound the prevalence was more on right side (104 out of 212), where testis was found located in the inguinal canal. In present study we find that the undescended testes more prevalent on right side and in inguinal region.
Keywords: Testes, Undescended, Gubernaculum
How to cite : Srivastava S, Singh K, Anatomical correlation of undescended testes. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):370-372
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