Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 362-369
Femur is widely studied in the fields of orthopedics, anthropology, forensic and human kinematics. This study aims to measure neck-shaft angle (NSA) and anteversion angle (FNA) in adult dry femora using digital image analysis software ‘ImageJ’. A total of 100 (50 right and 50 left) intact human adult femora were studied. The data was analyzed using SPSS software. The mean NSA and FNA in femora (n=100) was 124.95±6.09? & 13.45±8.58? respectively. The mean NSA in left and right femora was 125.12±5.22? & 124.78±6.9? respectively. The mean FNA in left and right femora was 12.9±8.22? & 14±8.98? respectively. There was no significant side difference in both NSA and FNA. The mean NSA was lower than most of the western studies but it was comparable with most other Indian studies and also Japanese studies. Though the mean FNA was within the range of previous Indian studies but is higher than most other observations. We attribute these numerical differences to different morphometric techniques and measuring points.
Keyword: Femur, Neck Shaft Angle, Anteversion Angle
How to cite : Verma L, Gupta S, Ghulyani T, Jaiswal P, A digital image analysis method for measuring femoral neck shaft angle and anteversion angle: A pilot study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):362-369
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