The Morphometric study of human fetal suprarenal glands at various gestational ages

Original Article

Author Details : Suresh Kumar T, Satish Kumar S, Minu Rekha B

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 357-361

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Background: Suprarenal glands are unique endocrine glands that undergo structural modifications both in prenatal and postnatal life to reach the adult status. In recent years, studies were done on the morphology of fetal organs in various gestational ages in assessing the fetal growth.
Objectives: The present study aims to study the morphometry of the suprarenal glands in human fetuses of various gestational age groups.
Methods: Sixty suprarenal glands from 30 human fetuses of gestational age (14 to 36 weeks) of both sexes were studied. The parameters like shape, length, width, thickness and weight of the suprarenal glands were measured. The fetuses were divided into 6 groups (Group I to VI) based on their gestational age. The mean, standard deviation and range of each parameter were calculated. Correlation between the studied variables and gestational age was also done.
Results: The mean, standard deviation and range of all the parameters in all groups and on both sides were determined and their difference in mean was found to be statistically significant. Pearson’s correlation between the gestational age and weight of the fetal suprarenal gland showed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study may be useful to the obstetricians, perinatologists, nenatologists and radiologists to assess the age of the fetus based on the weight of the suprarenal glands. The knowledge of variations in the morphology of fetal suprarenal glands is important in the diagnosis of abnormalities of suprarenal glands and also in predicting the outcome of pregnancy.

Keywords: Gestational age, Adrenal gland, Regression analysis, Correlation

How to cite : Suresh Kumar T, Satish Kumar S, Minu Rekha B, The Morphometric study of human fetal suprarenal glands at various gestational ages. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):357-361

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