Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 351-356
Introduction: The present study is to identify the sex of hyoid bone by studying various shapes of hyoid bone, and weight before and after defatting, were taken.
Material: The material used in the present study includes 100 hyoid bones of adult male and female of 15-75 years of age group, procured from the cadavers brought to mortuaries for post mortem to Govt. General Hospitals of Hyderabad, and photographs of dried bone, to compare the shapes.
Method: The bone was weighed with the help of chemical balance. The various shapes of the hyoid bone were noted and photographed individually and in groups. The readings were tabulated.
Result: It was noticed that all the measurement were greater in males than in females. Males have mostly v shaped hyoid bone and females have mostly u shaped hyoid bone. Our findings co-related well with earlier workers, from diverse population groups. Conclusion: Data acquired by this study will contribute to the knowledge available about anthropometric parameters of South Indian population and may hopefully help in racial and medico-legal applications.
Keywords: Hyoid Bone, Greater Cornu, Lesser Cornu, Defatting, Anthropometry
How to cite : Sameera S S, Fatima S N, Faisal G M, Sexing of hyoid bone based on shapes. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):351-356
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