Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 348-350
Objective: To study the relationship between finger print patterns and blood groups among first year MBBS students in Malabar Medical College.
Materials and Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent. A total of 140 first year MBBS students of the Malabar Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala participated in the study. Fingerprints of both hands were taken using the violet stamp pad of Camlin company size 15.7cm X 9.6cm. Blood groups of all the candidates were also noted down. The data were tabulated and analysed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Majority of subjects belonged to blood groups ‘O’ positive followed by ‘A’ positive, ‘B’ positive and ‘AB’ positive. Blood group ‘O’ was predominantly found in females. Total number of loops found in all the digits were 884 (63.14%). Similarly number of whorls in all the digits of both the hands were 333 (23.78%) and number of arches were 183(13.07%). Frequency of loops, whorls and arches were found to be higher in females as compared to males.
Conclusion: Loops were the most commonly found fingerprint patterns and arches were least common. Blood group ‘O’ positive was most common, followed by ‘A’ positive and ‘B’ positive. ‘O’ negative, ‘B’ negative and ‘A’ negative were rarest. Loops, whorls and arches were highest in females as compared to males.
Keywords: Blood groups, Dermatograph, Finger print
How to cite : Salmani D, Purushothaman S, Gopalakrishna, Ravindran L, Nath S R, Bishar, A study of Dermatoglyphics in relation with blood groups among first year MBBS students in Malabar Medical College. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):348-350
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