Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 343-347
Introduction: Greek anthropos means “man” and metron is “measure” therefore measurement of man- provides scientific methods and techniques for taking various measurements and observation on the living being and the skeleton. The word ‘Anthropometry’ was first used in the seventeenth century by German physician Johann Sigismund Elsholtz (1623-88). Anthropometry constitutes the means of giving quantitative expression to the variations which different individuals or traits exhibit.
Method and Materials: The cross sectional study was carried out on 200 (100 males and 100 females) medical students of Government Medical College of rural Maharashtra in the age group of 18 – 28 years. The parameters studied were height, length of right and left ulna. The observation were analysed by Pearson’s correlation to examine the relationship between length of ulna and height according to gender for right and left ulna separately.
Results: The mean ages of the study subjects (male 21.192±3.25 and female 21.02±3.22) were not significantly different between genders. Mean Ulnar lengths of the male were significantly larger than that of the females of all ages. Positive Correlation was found between total height and ulnar length 0.65 in males and 0.68 in female.
Conclusion: Definite proportion exists between the height and ulnar length in all individuals.
Keywords: Anatomist, Anthropologist, Anthropometry, Human stature and Ulna
How to cite : Prasad A K, Shukla S N, Kumar A D, Estimation of human stature from ulnar length in rural region of Maharashtra. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):343-347
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