Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016
Article Page : 305-308
Introduction: Knowledge about morphometric measurements related to atlas vertebra are important for neurologists, neurosurgeons and head and neck surgeons who deal with traumatic or non-traumatic conditions which may lead to altanto-axial and atlanto- occipital instability. The aim of the present study was to assess the various parameters on the atlas vertebra which can help to determine the safe sites for the different surgical approaches.
Materials and Methods: Study was carried out on 50 dry south Indian adult human atlas vertebrae of unknown sex which were collected from the department of anatomy. Eleven parameters were measured for each atlas using a digital vernier caliper.
Results: Range, mean and standard deviations were measured and recorded and bilateral symmetry was observed.
Conclusion: The parameters measured in the present study may help surgeons in avoiding and reducing complications such as vertebral artery injury, spinal cord injury during the surgical corrections of atlanto axial or atlanto occipital instability.
Keywords: Atlas, vertebrae, Atlanto-axial, Atlanto-occipital, Interlaminar clamps
How to cite : Lalitha B, Rao E V, Shiny Vinila Bh, Morphometric analyses of atlas vertebrae- A cross sectional study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):305-308
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