Study of glenoid and humerus head version in adult human skeleton

Original Article

Author Details : Deepali Rajesh Kate, Ajay Chandanwale, Bahetee BH

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 291-296

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Background: Several researchers have investigated the angles of Glenoid version and Humerus head version worldwide, however sparsely studied in India. The purpose of the study was to determine the native angles of Glenoid and Humerus head version of adult skeletons and to compare the observation with the findings of other workers in different races while discussing our finding in light of literature. This data would prove of great assistance at the time of actual shoulder replacement surgery for proper alignment and fixation of the implants, as any variance from normal version would alter gleno-humeral mechanics and may predispose to instability and arthropathy.
Materials and method: A total of sixty seven adult wet scapulae and sixty three humeri were harvested from cadavers fixed in formalin from the Department of Anatomy BJGMC, Pune. The angles of glenoid and humeral head version were measured using goniometer and compass. Correlation analysis was performed between humeral head version and glenoid version values.
Result: This study finds wide distribution of glenoid version ranging from -10º to +6º the mean glenoid version of the left side (n=34) was -1.00±4.06º and on the right side (n=33) was -3.30±3.63º the average humerus version recorded on left (n=31) and the right (n=32) sides were 36.13±7.61º and 37.56±7.8º respectively.
Conclusion: We report a significant difference between the mean value of the glenoid version angle of both sides; right being greatly retroverted. A significant positive.
Correlation was established between Glenoid version and Humerus head version on the right side.

Keywords: Humerus head Version, Glenoid Version, Arthroplasty, Retroversion, Glenoid fossa

How to cite : Kate D R, Chandanwale A, Bahetee Bh, Study of glenoid and humerus head version in adult human skeleton. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(3):291-296

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