Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2014
Article Page : 64-68
Objectives: To study the origin of subclavian artery and its branching pattern.
Material and methods: During routine cadaveric dissection for undergraduate medical students, a unilateral variation in the branching pattern of the left subclavian artery was noted on the left side of a 70 year old male cadaver.
Result: Left subclavian artery arises from the arch of aorta and immediately divides into medial branch and a lateral branch. Most of the branches are arises from the medial branch whereas vertebral artery originated from the lateral branch of the subclavian artery.
Conclusion: Surgeons must be aware of possible variations of the major arteries and be able to identify them. This is very important for appropriate invasive techniques in order to achieve desired objectives and to avoid major complications especially during vascular surgery.
Keywords: Subclavian artery, arch of aorta, variation
How to cite : Nayeemuddin S, Arora M, Singh S G A B, Variation in Subclavian Artery Branches- A Case Report. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2014;1(1):64-68
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