Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 174-177
Background: Cubital tunnel’s roof is made of a fibrous band of tissue called Osborne’s ligament which extends between the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. This band is a potential cause of ulnar nerve compression in the cubital tunnel.
Materials and Methods: A total of 30 embalmed cadaver was used and were classified using the O’ Driscoll classification. At different angles of the elbow flexion [20-140 degrees], the tautness of the ligament was noted and the variation of the length of the ligament concerning these angles was found by using the digital Vernier callipers.
Results: 20 cadavers had type 1b, 7 cadavers had type 0, 3 had type 1a and no cadaver had type 2 Osborne’s ligament. The percentage of ulnar nerve compression is more between 80 to 110 degrees of flexion maximum being 90 degrees.
Conclusion: The knowledge of this anatomy may help in treating ulnar nerve compression safely using anterior nerve transposition techniques and analysing the post-surgical MRI images of the cubital tunnel area.
Keywords: Cubital tunnel syndrome, Osborne’s ligament, Ulnar nerve, Nerve compression, Cubital tunnel retinaculum.
How to cite : Raghavalakshmi S, Murugan M, Ramakrishnan R, Kumar V D, Devi R, Morphological analysis of Humeroulnar arcade and its practical implications: A cadaveric observational study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2024;11(3):174-177
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Received : 30-07-2024
Accepted : 21-08-2024
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