Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 53-56
Background: Lungs, are partitioned into distinct lobes by fissures. These anatomical fissures play a crucial role in ensuring the consistent expansion of each lobe during the process of respiration. The left lung, comprises of two main lobes: the upper lobe and the lower lobe, delineated by an oblique fissure.
Case Report: We present a case of an incomplete oblique fissure, accompanied by the absence of both the lingula and the cardiac notch in the left lung of a male cadaver. This anatomical variation was discovered during a routine thoracic dissection. No structural alterations were noted at the hilum of the left lung. The Fissures and hilum on the right lung were normal.
Conclusion: Understanding morphological variations in fissures and lobes is useful when identifying lung lesions, planning invasive respiratory operations, and analyzing diagnostic imaging. It emphasizes the practical consequences of anatomical variation in the context of respiratory operations and imaging interpretations, highlighting the importance of incorporating it into medical teaching and practice.
Keywords: Incomplete, Oblique fissure, Lingula, Cardiac notch, Lung.
How to cite : Dsouza S C, Nayak S, Silotry N, Incomplete oblique fissure with absence of lingula, cardiac notch in left lung: A case report. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2024;11(1):53-56
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Received : 03-03-2024
Accepted : 14-03-2024
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