Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 32-36
Background: The glycemic control of diabetes patients is influenced by a variety of risk factors, some of which are adjustable and others of which are not. Diabetes and sleep quality are most frequently correlated in both directions.
To evaluate the quality of sleep and pinpoint the risk factors for inadequate glycemic control in individuals with diabetes.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included seventy consecutive patients who met the inclusion criteria. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scale was used to evaluate the quality of sleep. Siemens- ID 29984, dimension RxL Max, Architect plus ABBOT (ci 4100), completely automatic seven-part cell-counter by Horiba Pentra Dx and Siemens ADVIA Centaur XPT (Immonoassay system) were utilized for the biochemical tests.
Results: Of the 70 participants in the study, 22 patients [31.4%] reported having good sleep quality, while 15 patients [21.4%] had average sleep quality and 33 patients [47.1%] had poor sleep quality. Patients with managed and uncontrolled blood sugar showed varying degrees of sleep quality; 48.4% and 17.9% showed good sleep quality, 29% and 15.4% showed moderate sleep quality, and 22.6% and 66.7% showed poor sleep quality. A statistically significant difference (p<0>
Conclusion: In summary, the results of our study suggested that diabetics with poor sleep quality are more likely to have poor glycemic control. A significant modifiable risk factor for improved glycemic management in diabetic patients is sleep quality.
Keywords: Diabetes, Sleep quality, Glycaemic control.
How to cite : Mushtaq S, Amin Y, Taj R, Giyas U, Sachadev S, Influence of sleep quality and other associated factors on glycemic control among diabetic patients: A hospital-based study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2024;11(1):32-36
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Received : 20-12-2023
Accepted : 26-02-2024
Viewed: 881
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