Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 22-26
Background: Cadaveric dissection cannot be compensated by virtue table concepts or computerized learning aids. The present study was aimed to evaluate the conceptual differences and perceptional clarity about willingness of body donation relevant to regional practice among four inter-state population of India. The study objectives focused to assess the understanding level about general and special concepts and attitudes about body donation in Southern, Eastern, Central as well Northern parts of India and to compare differences about the concepts of understanding and willingness about body donation between four inter-state populations.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional single center study with a differential rating scale questionnaire was conducted. Four hundred participants equally divided among four medical colleges of Southern, Eastern, Central and Northern India were the samples. All ethical principles for human research were followed. Completing a special course of ethical training and non-willingness to participate in the study were regarded as the criteria of a subject to get excluded from the study.
Results and Conclusion: The given questionnaire was completed by various participants from different zones: eastern, western, central and southern. We found significant difference in the educational level of the participants across various zones. Unsurprisingly, most likely due to the literacy rate, participants from the south are much more familiar with ‘body donation’ for research and education compared to participants from other three zones. Provisions to improve the body donation should concentrate on multi-directional tasks.
Keywords: Voluntarily body donation, Laws and ethical frameworks, Body donation programs, Concepts and attitudes, Inter- state populations.
How to cite : Aricatt D P, Khan D M, Saxena V, Ghaffar A, Chandy D, Conceptual differences about willingness of body donation among southern, eastern, central and northern population of India: Single centered approach. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2024;11(1):22-26
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Received : 06-02-2024
Accepted : 24-02-2024
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