Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 250-256
Background: The study examined variations in morphology and morphometry of the brachiocephalic artery and their clinical implications in dissected cadavers.
Materials and Methods: Fifty-eight (58) adult cadavers, 57 males and 1 female were dissected to expose the brachiocephalic artery, and the morphological and morphometric variations were recorded.
Results: Fifty-one (51) cadavers (88%) had the BCA arising directly from the aortic arch while 7 cadavers (12%) had it originating from the common trunk with the left common carotid artery. The BCA arose on the left anterolateral to the trachea in 57 cadavers (98.3%) and one cadaver (1.7%) had it arising in the midline anterior to the trachea crossed the trachea from left to right terminating posterior to the right sternoclavicular joint where it bifurcated into the right subclavian and right common carotid artery in all cadavers. The mean lengths of the torsos and Brachiocephalic arteries were 45.78±2.93cm and 4.14±0.58cm respectively and the two parameters had statistically significant positive correlation (r=0.33, p<0> Conclusion: A majority of the Ugandan cadaveric population have brachiocephalic arteries with the normal origin, course, and branching patterns. The occurrence of origin variants of BCA from the common trunk and anterior midline to the trachea may be associated with tracheal compression and aortic dilation; hence should be considered as a potential risk factor for thoracic aortic aneurysm and during tracheostomy respectively.
Keywords: Brachiocephalic artery, Common trunk, Cadaver, Tracheostomy.
How to cite : Tito A E, Obeten K E, Archibong V, Etukudo E M, Mwabaleke J A, Usman I M, Fernandez M E, Anatomical variations of the brachiocephalic artery and their clinical relevances: A cadaveric study of Ugandan population. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2023;10(4):250-256
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Received : 01-12-2023
Accepted : 08-12-2023
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