Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 221-224
Background: Spleen is the largest and secondary lymphoid organ with high vascularity which has important role in immunological and haematological functions of human body. Spleen developes from mesoderm and in the initial stages of development, different lobules are formed, which fuses later. The lobulated structure of spleen disappears, but is indicated by the presence of notches in superior border in adults.
Aim: The aim of study was to find morphological variations of spleen with respect to its number of notches in borders and anomalous fissure on its surfaces.
Material and Methods: The study was done on 40 formalin fixed cadaveric spleens from the department of Anatomy, Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur, and Karnataka.
Results: Out of 40 spleens studied, the various shapes such as wedge shaped, tetrahedral, oval and triangular were found. The number of spleen showing notches in superior border was 28(70%) and in the inferior border it was 3(7.5%). Absence of Splenic notches was observed in 5(12.5%) and 2(5%) spleens had notches in both borders. The anomalous fissure was found in 2(5%) spleen on its diaphragmatic surface.
Conclusion: The knowledge of variations in morphology of spleen are essential for physician, surgeon, radiologists and forensic surgeon to differentiate from the splenic pathology and splenic injury. Morphological variations of spleen and its clinical importance need to be discussed at dissection tables during routine anatomy dissection hours.
Keywords: Spleen, Borders, Notches, Variations.
How to cite : Shilpakala L B, A study of splenic notches in human cadavers and its clinical implications. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2023;10(4):221-224
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Received : 17-11-2023
Accepted : 01-12-2023
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