Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 181-184
The radial artery is a vital vessel supplying the forearm and hand. Variations in its origin can occur, leading to potential complications during clinical procedures. This cadaveric case study investigates the high origin of the radial artery in the mid-arm and its associated complications. Two cadaveric specimens were examined, at Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, and the anatomical variations were documented. The study highlights the importance of recognizing such variations and their implications in clinical practice, aiding healthcare professionals in minimizing procedural complications and optimizing patient outcomes. The tortuous course and kinking observed in this study may predispose the artery to thrombosis, spasm, or occlusion, potentially leading to ischemic complications in the forearm and hand.
Keywords: Anatomical variation, Cadaveric study, Complications, High origin, Mid- arm, Radial artery.
How to cite : Rathi P K, High origin of radial artery in mid-arm and possible complications: A cadaveric case study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2023;10(3):181-184
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Received : 15-06-2023
Accepted : 16-08-2023
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