Impact of iron deficiency anemia on cognition of school children of South India

Original Article

Author Details : Padmini Thalanjeri, Harish Karanth, Vinutha Shankar MS, Karthiyanee Kutty

Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2016

Article Page : 135-138

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 Background: Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is the most widespread anemia among all population segments in India. IDA curtails the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin and thus prevents complete vitality and development of the brain during childhood. Timely intervention and correction of anemia is therefore very important.


1.        To determine the hemoglobin levels of 30 school children.

2.        To perform cognition tests including Raven’s score and visual memory test.

Materials and Methods: Study included 30 school going children between the ages of 9-13 years. Informed consent was obtained from the guardians. Subjects were screened for anemia by determining Hb (g%) and blood indices. Cognitive function was assessed by Raven’s scoring and visual memory test. Cognitive status was then compared between anemic and non-anemic children.
Results: Mean age of participants was 10.73 years. 26.66% of the subjects were anemic (mean hemoglobin of 10.42 g%).  73.34% of the participants were non anemic (mean hemoglobin of 12.16 g%). Raven’s score was significantly low in anemic children (p <0.001).
Conclusion: IDA leads to cognitive impairment and Raven’s score is a useful tool to assess it. This impairment can be prevented by timely intervention.

Keywords: Cognition, Iron deficiency anemia, Raven’s score, School children


How to cite : Thalanjeri P, Karanth H, Vinutha Shankar Ms, Kutty K, Impact of iron deficiency anemia on cognition of school children of South India. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(2):135-138

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