Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 32-36
Background: Menstruation is an important physiological process in females of the reproductive age group. Society needs to be educated by competent person time to time. The study was aimed to determine the knowledge of reproductive tract anatomy and pubertal changes in young adolescent girls and to create awareness about pubertal changes and health and hygiene among adolescent girls.
Materials and Methods: The questionnaire-based study in which the participants were adolescent girls. After filling in basic socio-demographic information, the first questionnaire (pre-test) was to be filled which assessed their existing knowledge regarding the reproductive tract anatomy and pubertal changes. This was followed by a health education talk using audio-visual aids (PowerPoint presentation). Post-tests were organized to know the response.
Result: From a total of 480 adolescent school girls, more than half of the girls (57.08%) do not know the normal anatomy of the female genital tract. Knowledge of signs of pubertal changes was known by 2.29% which was improved to 80% after the talk ie in the post-test. Mother was the main source of information about the menstrual cycle 76%. Many had poor knowledge of menstrual hygiene.
Conclusion: Awareness programs improve knowledge as well as behaviors. So this program, society needs from time to time. Certain facts each girl in society should know for a better understanding of her health.
Keywords: Menstruation, Uterine bleeding, External genitalia
How to cite : Sinha M B, Sahay S, Health and hygiene in pubertal girls of Chhattisgarh: Knowledge, attitude, and practices. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2023;10(1):32-36
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Received : 21-03-2023
Accepted : 08-04-2023
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