Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 27-31
Introduction: The human ear is an important organ that serves as a sensory input for sound and balance. Ear morphology can vary greatly between individuals and can be influenced by various factors such as age, sex, genetics, and environmental factors. This study aimed to investigate ear dimensions and anthropometry of a sample of Indian college students.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 Indian college students were included in this cross-sectional study. Ear measurements including total ear height (TEH), ear width (EW), lobule height (LH), and lobule width (LW) were obtained using digital calipers. Lobule index (LI) and ear index (EI) were calculated using the following formula: LI = LH/TEH x 100 and EI = EW/TEH x 100. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent sample t-tests.
Results: The mean values for TEH, EW, LH, and LW increased with increasing age for both the right and left ears. Male participants had significantly greater TEH and EW compared to females for both the right and left ears. There were significant differences in lobule height (right ear) and lobule index (right and left ear) between males and females, with males having slightly larger measurements than females.
Conclusion: Our study provides valuable information on ear dimensions and anthropometry in a sample of Indian college students. The findings of our study are consistent with previous studies conducted worldwide, as well as in India. Our study highlights the importance of considering gender and age when investigating ear dimensions and anthropometry.
Keywords: Ear dimensions, Anthropometry, Indian, College students.
How to cite : Jan S S, Saleem S M, Ear morphology and anthropometry: gender and age differences in Indian college students. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2023;10(1):27-31
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Received : 10-03-2023
Accepted : 22-03-2023
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