Medical Education
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 154-160
The aim of this study is to demonstrate and integrate biophysical principles in imparting concepts in haemodynamics of the cardiovascular system particularly for the beginners in medical academics. We have used simple analogies to illustrate origin of pressure, flow dynamics, pressure tension radius of vasculature relationship for an easy understanding of cardiovascular function. Although these biophysical principles are age-old and validated over time, the application of these principles finds lesser space in teaching of physiology to medical students. The article will also give a different perspective of explaining cardiovascular concepts to the teaching faculty of physiology and human biology.
Keywords: Cardiovascular Physiology, Haemodynamics, Biophysical principles.
How to cite : Malaki S, Calton R, Pramod J, Pressure, waves, and the cardiovascular system: A biophysical perspective for undergraduate students. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2022;9(2):154-160
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Received : 20-06-2022
Accepted : 29-06-2022
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