Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 62-64
Introduction: Smoking affects cardiovascular system by different mechanisms. Smoking related diseases are the biggest killers in the world today. Cardiac output is increased by nicotine which is present in smoke by increasing both heart rate and myocardial contractility.
Aims and Objective: Our aim was to compare and assess resting heart rate in smoker and nonsmoker healthy males. Our objective was to study the effect of smoking on resting heart rate.
Materials and Methods: We included total 60 male subjects in the age group 25 – 65 years comprising of 30 smokers as case group and 30 nonsmoker healthy males as control group for present study and these were relatives of patients, sweepers, peons and paramedical staff of P.D.U. Govt. Medical College. Pulse Oximeter was used to measure resting heart rate immediately after over night sleep. Heart rate was recorded in a condition of physical and mental rest.
Results and Discussion: Data was tabulated and analysed. By using Z test, P value was found which was statistically significant (<0>
Conclusion: From our study, we conclude that the resting heart rate of apparently healthy smokers is significantly higher than nonsmokers of same group.
Keywords: Pulse oximeter, Resting heart rate, Smoking.
How to cite : Rupareliya D M, Trivedi R S, Pandya N H, Modi R A, Clinical assessment of resting heart rate in smoker and nonsmoker healthy individuals. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2022;9(1):62-64
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Received : 16-02-2022
Accepted : 25-02-2022
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