Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 3-8
Background: This study was conducted to get the data and information about the target organ that might help in creating better understating of the physiological mechanism of this organ in Zovawk.
Materials and Methods: For this experiment 6 apparently healthy pigs were selected. Different physical parameters of the collected samples were measured. To know the cellular architecture collected pancreas samples were first fixed with 10% NBF and were subsequently processed with standard tissue processing technique. For ultra-sturctural studies tissues were stained with Lead citrate and uranyl acetate.
Result: B cells were more numerous than the A cells in the islets of Langerhans which is characterized by the spherical nucleus and located almost all over the islets. Whereas A cells were characterized by the oval nucleus and distributed mainly in the center of the islets. Numerous zymogen granules were present in the acinar cells of zovawk pancreas which are thought to be the reason for the higher enzymatic properties in the zovawk pancreas.
Keywords: Zovawk, Pancreas, Ultra-sturcture, Exocrine, Endocrine.
How to cite : Kalita P C, Debroy S, Anatomy of the pancreas of mizoram local Pig (Zovawk). Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2022;9(1):3-8
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Received : 03-11-2021
Accepted : 29-01-2022
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