Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 91-96
Identification of sex in human skeletal remains is a big challenge to the anatomists, forensic experts, and anthropologists. Human pelvis is one of the most important skeletal element in view of sex identification. The differences in male and female pelvis are attributed to the functional need at the time of parturition.
Like many other bones in the body, sacrum, which itself is a part of pelvis, can also be used to determine the sex amongst the skeletal remains. Greeks considered it as the last bone to decay after birth. Defining the criterias so as to identify male sacrum & female sacrum gains its importance not only in medicolegal but also in fixation surgeries of spine due to degenerative and traumatic conditions. So considering the importance of accurate knowledge of sex differences in male and female sacrum we decided to find out the best parameter and index which will identify the sex of a given sacrum with maximum accuracy.
To pursue this aim, we studied 150 Male and 150 Female sacra from Maharashtra population, by visiting different medical colleges. The parameters were measured & the indices were calculated. Then the results were compared with previous studies. A totally new index –Articular Index was introduced in our study. The ventral straight length, length of auricular surface, corpora-basal index, and articular index were found more reliable criterias to determine the sex of a given sacrum.
Key words: Articular index, Auricular Index, Corporo-basal Curvature index
How to cite : Ahankari R S, M.p.ambali, Sexual Dimorphism in Human Sacrum in Maharshtra Population. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2016;3(1):91-96
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