Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 262-265
Background: Dermatoglyphics/dactylography/dactyloscopy is the scientific study of epidermal ridge
pattern on fingers, palm, and soles. The fingerprint is an impression of these friction skin ridges. It is used
for personal identification, diseases condition, intelligence of individual and to solve disputed paternity.
Aim: To identify the distribution patterns of fingerprints amongst medical students.
Design: A cross-sectional study was done amongst 200 students out of which 100 were males and 100
were females.
Materials and Methods: Finger prints were taken by using Ink Method by “Cummins and Midlo”. The
four type and their subtypes were noted.
Results: The most common pattern obtained was loop and least one was arch. The ulnar loops were
more than radial loops in loops subtypes. Among whorl patterns, spiral whorl followed by circular whorl
was noted. In composite patterns, twinned loops and lateral pocket loops were higher in percentage than
accidental and central pocket loops. In arch patterns, plain arch was higher than tented arch.
Conclusion: In our study, Slighty different pattern was obtained as compared to worldwide.
Keywords: Fingerprints, Arches, Composites, Loops, Whorls.
How to cite : Sinha R R , Kumar B , Ratnesh R , Ashish K , Lahoti S , Study of fingerprint pattern among medical students. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(3):262-265
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