Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 238-242
This study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy during the period of August to September 2019
in the Department of Anatomy, MIMS Mandya. The aim of study was to find the correlation between foot
measurements and standing height of both males and females and to derive the regression equation for
calculating the Stature. This study included 255 subjects (105 males & 150 females) in the age group of
18 to 22 years. After obtaining the consent and recording the demographic profile, foot length and foot
breadth was recorded in both sides by a single person(to avoid inter-observer error) in accordance with the
directions given in manual of Physical Anthropology. The data was statistically analyzed and was found
that foot length provided high correlation with stature (p<0> significant correlation with p value <0 xss=removed> - 1.274* (FBR) + 1.827 *(FBL) -1.548 *(FLR) + 3.249 * (FLL) and in males as Height = 118.671 + 0.490*
(FBR) + 1.316 *(FBL) - 0.449 *(FLR) + 1.345 * (FLL). In unknown sex as Height = 82.734 -0.306*
(FBR) +0.946 *(FBL) + 1.174 *(FLR) + 2.104 * (FLL). In our study there was no statistically significant
difference in stature estimation by foot length of right and left sides. This information would be in turn
useful to establish partial identity and biological profile of an individual from South Indian population.
Keywords: Stature estimation, Identification, Anthropometry, Foot measurements, Regression equation.
How to cite : Geethanjali H T, Magadi A , Lakshmi T, Shashikala L, Stature estimation using foot measurements in south Indian population. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(2):238-242
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