Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 124-126
Blood vessel variety of the upper appendage are normal and these can be of impressive enthusiasm to
orthopedic surgeons, radiologists and anatomists. During routine dissection for college understudies of the
right upper limb in a male cadaver, a variation starting point of ulnar artery from brachial artery was taken
note. The brachial artery ending in the cubital fossa by partitioning into radial and ulnar or interosseous
supply routes. The outspread artery had taken typical course and branches. Different divisions was the
basic interosseous artery, anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries demonstrated ordinary course.
The irregular high source of ulnar artery route from the brachial artery was seen which was taking root
from medial side of the brachial artery higher than the radial artery, running on the shallow muscles and
going underneath the Palmaris longus tendon and intersection the tendon from lateral to medial side. At
that point its running shallow to the muscles which were taking cause from the regular flexor source from
the humerus and it was secured by the profound belt of the forearm arm, at that point it crosses the flexor
retinaculum and partook in the formation of the superficial palmar arch. During its course, supply route
didn’t give any branch.
Keywords: Ulnar artery, Upper limb artery, Brachial artery.
How to cite : Kulkarni V V, Kumar R, Deshpande S K, Ulnar artery: A case report of high origin and superficial course. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(1):124-126
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