Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 116-123
Introduction: Optimal stimulation of vestibular system has more soothing effects and is essential
throughout the life. Though there are different methods like running, swinging, dancing, jumping to
stimulate vestibular system, swinging on a swing is a simple method to stimulate vestibular system, which
was an ancient practice incorporated in Indian tradition.
Aim: The aim of this research was to assess the effect of vestibular stimulation on selected biochemical
parameters in young adults.
Materials and Methods: A total of 300 (130 males and 170 females) young adults were screened. 240
(120 males and 120 females) participants satisfying both inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in
the study. This was a longitudinal follow-up study in which, participants were assessed three times. The
first assessment was performed during regular classes (with no examination in preceding two weeks and
forth coming two weeks), these are pre-intervention values. The second assessment was performed eight
months after the intervention (during regular classes), and third assessment was performed sixteen months
after the intervention in stressed state (A week before the University examinations).
Results: The mean salivary IgA in the experimental female group was 61mg/mL. After 8 months, there
was a slight increase in salivary IgA whereas after 16 months also there was a slight increase in salivary
IgA. The mean salivary a amylase in experimental female group was 84 U/ mL. After 8 months, there was
a slight decrease in salivary a amylase whereas after 16 months also, there was a slight decrease in salivary
Conclusion: The present study results support positive impact of stimulation of vestibular system using
natural methods like swinging on a swing that exists as day to day activity in the tradition of India. The
study recommends using the swing in routine life style for better wellbeing.
Keywords: Vestibular system, Bio-chemical parameters, Saliva, Immunity.
How to cite : Sai Sailesh Kumar G, Mukkadan J K, Effectiveness of vestibular stimulation on selected biochemical parameters in young adults. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(1):116-123
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