Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 110-115
Dimensions of human hand have been measured by various authors across study groups. This
anthropometric data has frequently been used to solve medicolegal cases. However, these details differ
across various population groups and races, hence the present study was specifically undertaken to make
an anthropometric record of young male population of North India. Young males between the 18 to 25
years were selected and their hand length, hand breadth and Hand Index were measured. Sliding Vernier’s
callipers and Dynamometer were used to measure the dimensions of hand and strength of hand grip,
respectively. An anthropometric index (Hand Index) was calculated after measuring hand length and hand
breadth. The results of the study indicated that hand grip strength was more in the right hand than the left
hand and that all the hand variables were positively correlated to the hand grip strength.
Keywords: Hand length, Hand breadth, Hand index, North India, Young adult, Male.
How to cite : Khatoon R , Khanna M, A study of correlation between hand anthropometry and hand grip strength in young adult male population of North India. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(1):110-115
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