Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 98-103
Aim: To study the variations in gross morphology and any change in histological architecture in cadaveric
liver specimens and correlate with development in intrauterine life.
Materials and Methods: The livers were obtained from the cadavers during dissection and museum in the
department of Anatomy, MCI recognized private medical college in North India. The morphological and
histological observations were documented.
Results: Morphological variations were observed and classified. Histologically all specimens appeared to
be normal.
Conclusion: The knowledge of such variations is important to anatomists, morphologists and
embryologists for developmental anomalies. This will be beneficial for the surgeons for planning surgery
involving liver and radiologists for interpretation of CT scans and MRI images.
Keywords: Lingula, Parenchyma, Fissure, Ligament.
How to cite : Srivastava S, Khan A Z, Morphological and histological variations in livers and its embryological correlation. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(1):98-103
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