Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 72-76
Introduction: Being the essential organs of respiration, pair of lungs are situated on either side of the
mediastinum. Each lung is divided into lobes by the fissures. These fissures allow for proper expansion of
lungs and on the other hand fissures may have a role in restricting infection to a particular lobe. Fissures
may be complete, incomplete or absent.
Objective: To study the variations in the fissures of lung, compare the results with the available data and
to discuss the surgical importance of this study.
Materials and Methods: 37 pairs of lungs (37 right and 37 left) from formalin fixed cadavers were
observed and classified into different grades of fissures ( as per Craig and Walker criteria). Presence of
accessory fissures was noted.
Results: Out of the 37 right lungs, 3 showed absence of horizontal fissure and the same fissure was
incomplete in right sided 17 lungs. Among the left lungs, 9 had incomplete oblique fissure. Accessory
fissure were found in 2 right and 1 left lungs.
Conclusion: The current study showed that right lung may be without horizontal fissure or fissures may
be incomplete. Thus, a light on these variations by the cardiothoracic surgeons will help in better planning
of surgeries like lobectomy. Knowledge about the fissures will aid in arriving at better diagnosis for the
clinicians and radiologists.
Keywords: Lung, Lobe, Fissure, Oblique, Transverse.
How to cite : Halagatti M , Channabasanagouda, Types of pulmonary fissures and its surgical implications: A cadaveric study. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2020;7(1):72-76
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